
Application Link Online Application System (PMD Licenses)
Prerequisites to be a Qualified applicator (the top office applicator), you need 2 years of applicator experience, a degree in a related field, or a combination. The qualified applicator is required to supervise pesticide operations by all applicators in the business
Necessary Categories License and Certification Categories listed in the FAQ
Grade to Pass 75%
Study Materials Scroll to “Certification Study Material List”
Recertification Requirements QA: 12 CEUs annually, CA: 6 CEUs Annually
CEU Links CEU Search Link
Business License A qualified applicator is required to apply for a business license. Applications can be filled out in the online application portal.
Renewal and Licensing Applications Online Application System
Renewal Time Business and personal license expires May 31st every 1 or 2 years depending on what's selected
Reciprocity (non-residents) Any state can qualify, but you must apply. Reciprocity packet available in the forms section
Supervision Requirements All employees applying pesticides must be certified applicators, working under a qualified applicator
State Website PMD Website
Fertilizer Applicator License Only required to sell/distribute
Recertification Course Approval Provider FAQ And Website
Notification Laws Refer to page 16 of these statutes
Registered Products AZ Products
Other Useful Links Core Manual PDF
Drone Supervision TBD As Needed